Artsy Art from Artists

Sick of all those Tony Hawk and Hannah Montana posters in your kid’s rooms? Maybe you need to update your man-cave or perhaps surprise the wifey with an unsupervised addition to the home’s wall decoration.

Here’s a resource… check out Society6, a great destination for anyone interested in seeing (and buying) all kinds of art, directly from the artist.

Describing itself as a cooperative, Society6 enables artists from all over the world to share, sell and show their work.  I’ve come across some awesome photographs and graphic prints that are truly brilliant. Plus there’s a lot of very cool kid/teen-friendly work as well.

Here are some examples that I thought are noteworthy. Above is “Late to Dinner”.

In descending order below are;  “Dark Side of Deathstar” – luv it!!!, “Aludd: Running Away” and the really cool yellow tiger girl print is “Rock Candy”.

Suprisingly, most of the prints are quite affordable with prices ranging from $30 to $50.